Thursday, December 15, 2005

in the kitchen

me and j are having a conversation on food you would want to try and places you would like to be.

j mentions that he really wants to try hummus which brings to mind my experience at the lebanese restaurant in singapore and the lady who wanted to offer me 'homos'.

me: so you know how there's like two spellings of hummus, one's greek and one's latin, i think

j: (looks at me confused) what? a greek spelling of it? i thought it was an irish dish!

me: (bewildered) uh... i don't know, i don't think so...

after a pause

j: oh i think i meant haggis.

i like j and the maturity he has. i think a part of me wishes i could connect with people a lot faster, skip the small talk and understand the person standing before me.

but we aren't meant to be best friends with everyone, i guess. there's a time and place for everything. and we should be wise in how we invest ourselves in people
and how many blockades the other is willing to remove and open up on this two way street.

1 comment:

N.J. said...

I agree. You can't force somebody to love you anymore than they will. I learned that very hard lesson over the summer. Thanks for the reminder.

We can, however, control the way we love others, and that is unconditionally without expecting anything in return.