Wednesday, April 05, 2006

yeah, that's cute

'cute' as an adjective is way over-used. it ranks up there with words like "nice", "cool" and "love"
it's a sure but subtle marker that we've all slipped into linguistic laziness.
and i sure as heck am guilty of perpetrating this act.

from urban, selected versions of cute

A girl who is lovely and dreamy and cuddly and shy and beautiful and awwww

1) used to describe little kids doing funny things
2) someone that is attractive in an innocent way
3) used to describe someone or an act that's sweet, nice
4) something that you just want to squeeze, or keep (!!!!)
5) used to refer to something little, or related to being young
6) someone doing something silly, special

Someone/something you just want to:
A. Glomp
B. Give them a big hug and kiss
C. Keep for a pet
D. Go with/marry

An insult, looking down on someone in some way.

a word used to describe a very nice, neat math problem.
eg2+4 is cute
(wah lau like that also can?)

What you say when you are adjective deficient and under pressure to deliver an opinion usually on appearance of something or someone

a girl that is so irresistably adorable that you just have to tell the world about it.
eg. Lauren Danean Strom is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeee....!!!!

the list goes on. five pages worth really.

recently a friend said that i was the second cutest asian girl he knows. i didn't know how to take it because i had the sneaking suspicious feeling that it was in the category of syrupy sweet shy females.
i hold nothing against him or anything, but i do wonder

how on earth did i ever come across that way???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is really weird
but i googled my name
and my name
is the one thats under def. 7
