Monday, November 27, 2006

dancing in the dark.

this is the status of vancouver now.
no potable water. no light, no heat, no power. trolley buses don't go to UBC, only the 99 does.

no wonder we got a SNOW DAY!

*gleeful rejoicing*

in other words though,
it did mean that i spent the greater half of the day from about 430 pm onwards in total darkness. twiddling my thumbs and fidgeting since it was almost impossible to read or write by candlelight (because i happen to have only one candle as well) and my room was enshrouded in a thick cloth of ebony.

on the phone with sarah
me: eh.. there's this stupid beeping thing that keeps going off in glen's room
sar: oh it's probably the capacitor, you need to just flick the button and it should be off. it might disconnect the phone when you do that though.
me: uh ok where is it?
sar: it should be on the machine!
me: yeah, right now. i can't even see the machine. i'm just groping around in darkness, trying to find things

in the end, steph and i got sick of living in the dark. and we grabbed our blankets, two cups, a bottle of carbonated water (because we can't even boil our water now seeing that there is no power), a tin of cookies and a couple of board games, and we sit out ourselves out in the hallway where the emergency lights are, and have a one-on-one go at cranium.

in times of desperation, you can make any board game work.

right hannah??? remember backgammon???


Hannah Lim said...


and I will not proceed to tell you about how nice and warm it is here and how i am surrounded by fruit shakes and my mother's cooking. teehee. It sounds like you're having a blast.

Anonymous said...

haha (it's glen)