Wednesday, March 21, 2007

4 more days to sunday

drink me


Robby said...

is your lent giving up coffee?
if so...I know your pain as I did that last year...this year I am drinking about 2 or 3 small cups a day...tsk tsk

shu said...

haha you got it! i'm just biding my time

and when you say two or three small cups.. do these look suspiciously like espresso cups???
tsk tsk, are you sure you're not suffering from an involuntary twitch now and then ??? *grin*

Robby said...

hehe...well not espresso cups, just mugs, but they aren't as large as the ones I use at home...still I drink too much coffee's good for parkour though! I twitch out and can jump over anything!
fare thee well! you are almost at the end of the race, keep the faith...(want any more encouraging biblical references?)