Monday, January 07, 2008

life will soon begin again

i am sitting in his room, fingertips poised over my laptop, trying my hardest to churn out a statement of purpose that doesn't look or sound as if i'm crapping my way through it. it's the last day of the holidays and life, my academic life that is, will begin again tomorrow.

i am afraid, the year 2008 seems fraught with choices, and i don't want to make the wrong ones.
worse, to know that i am still a child of 23, unable to cope, while the rest of the world charges ahead without me.

you face it all bravely, with the sense of optimism and hope that i secretly think i lack. but perhaps i am not even brave enough to admit that.

if 2007 has faded and it was a year of opportunity of new experiences, anguish and joy, then 2008 seems to be a year of questions and challenges, dealing with what is no longer new, but learning the art of maintaining, of appreciating and nurturing.

dear god, let me do what is right. to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly.

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