Friday, June 06, 2008

sigh. you know you're a nerd when

you're sitting in a lecture (that you're attending voluntarily, its not part of your curriculum at all and you're going there just for your interest)
the lecture is about research design and developments in econometric methods, and within the first 5 minutes you're hooked.
you have an intellectual high during the lecture and you discover in yourself that you really want to see yourself in a place like ucla berkeley learning economics from david card. the 1 and a half hour session sparks an interest in the field, a renewed motivation to work hard to get to a place where you can attend seminars like these, continue learning and gain even more learning.

i have had waves of doubt on whether i belong in this field. whether i should just give up and just recognize that this realm of academics is not for me. i'm still not certain about where i should go. perhaps, hope is a dangerous thing but that's what today's lecture inspired in me again.

and for you, i do see this as the place you belong. the way you think, the questions you have, the issues that you consider in formulating your question, i really believe this is a dream that you should continue pursuing. you've got what it takes.

i just need to figure out what my own battles and path should be.

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