Friday, November 21, 2008

i came here to say goodbye with all my deeds and duties are done. though i hold onto each relationship, albeit loosely - allowing it to change and morph in ways that are sometimes inevitable - i know that the next time i return won't be for a long while.

my purpose as a student here has ended, my community as i understood it has also changed. i've wandered the streets of vancouver, relished the familiar but beheld it at a distance.

i have loved and been loved. i have taken, accepted and am now letting go.

with hands warmed over cups of coffee or poised over steaming pots of food, i've retraced our paths and let myself embrace the present.
i believe i will always love you, all of you, and especially you in my own little way. but from where you left me standing, i know i've just got to make my own way.

For last year's words belong to last year's language
And next year's words await another voice.
But, as the passage now presents no hindrance
To the spirit unappeased and peregrine
Between two worlds become much like each other,
So I find words I never thought to speak
In streets I never thought I should revisit
When I left my body on a distant shore.

- Little Gidding, T.S. Eliot

you made me 'me'.


Anonymous said...

*looks around, as if in a house where all the furniture's been rearranged*... gosh i've not read your blog in a long time!

about that smrt story - what they should do is get new trains that are 80% DOOR... like both sides of the carriage are able to roll up to the top like blinds... i think the chief issue killing the commuter experience is the clumping that goes on by the doors... so the solution would be... all door!

maybe they should put the seats in the middle, like in musical chairs...

i also think they should have elderly-only/seats-only carriages.

sorry... your post is so poignant and vulnerable, i just don't know how to respond. i've learned this about myself, i'm not accustomed to being with real people in all their 'realness'... i just want to quickly patch things so they can go back to being perfect and trouble-free but that's not realistic or truly redemptive!

seems to me you've been through the fire and though you've gained and lost and will never be the same, you've emerged with something true and real firmly in your grasp.


Hannah Lim said...

I can't leave!! i don't know how to let things go! i'm dying here just because it's the end of a SEMESTER. I am conflicted with feelings. God this is going to kill me. How will I let my kid go to Kindergarten??