Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yes, please do. please make anonymity a thing of the past for online comments

I am heartened to read that that news websites are making a move towards removing anonymity from online comments. I recognise that anonymity may have prompted more active discussion by facilitating the voicing of opinions without fear of backlash, but as with anything, there's always been two sides of the coin and online comments on news websites are no different.

The problem with anonymity for online comments on websites is that the lack of identity allows people to leave "hit and run" comments. Being faceless, people could leave a comment, an unsubstantiated argument or a personal attack on a web forum and not take any responsibility for what they had just said. This often has resulted in innocent forums being turned into ugly name-calling, childish backyard quarrels that are sometimes totally unrelated to the actual topic that was meant to be under discussion. If you don't believe me, look at the youtube comments section. its a helluva amazing what gets posted there.

one of the problems with anonymity on the internet is the speed at which something can be posted online. the individual just needs to type something up, hit upload and its there for all to see. such actions and speed can sometimes be associated with a lack of deliberation over one's words. having an equally faceless audience may also negate one's concern over the reception of his words, because really... who is he catering his words to in the end? this facelessness may be preventing a deeper development of thought and a careful consideration of the impact of one's words

so i'm all for ending the anonymity of online comments. if you have something to say, be prepared to back it up. substantiate your arguments. maybe we would really have fuller discussions this way.

for reference:

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