Tuesday, May 11, 2010

to put it better, what i meant to say is

you are a catalyst, what a catalyst does is they spark reactions in people. they are mood-makers, mood-breakers. they set people in motion, they energize people.

a catalyst energizes people with an energy of their own. its as if you can see the life in them just brimming below the surface, waiting to break out in a wave. it is this effervescence in them that infects others around them, that brings out the life in others as well.

yet, a catalyst can only start things up through its interactions with others. for these interactions to happen, two things are required: an ability to put others at ease, and a nurtured understanding amongst others that this is a person they can trust and put their faith in. this implicit understanding is what allows a catalyst to push others on. without this understanding, others would not be willing to work with the catalyst nor be inspired by the message and motivation he brings.

this is what i see in you. maybe its not the full picture yet. maybe there's alot i don't know. but as far as i can, its something to be proud of. that you are an individual that others can see is alive, and a person who enables the people around him feel alive too.

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