Wednesday, May 26, 2010

tokyo. bustling, disciplined, clean, dazzling and head-poundingly amazing

apparently, i've been eating sushi wrong all my life.
In a little small hole-in-the-wall eatery, the man beside me watched me struggle as i pointed out pictures to the chef, trying to indicate which sushi i wanted on my plate. gently, the man beside me corrected me and said "order, 2, 3 pieces only first, finish those, then order some more. this is our custom"

i was surprised, i had no clue that there was a way of ordering as well. so i followed his cue and ordered 3 pieces, before ordering some more.

he went on to educate me on how to eat sushi. Showing me with his own order, he first lifted the fish off the rice and dipped it in soy sauce. Wagging his finger he said as he laid the soy-soaked fish back on the rice, "always dip fish in sauce, no rice in sauce". I ooh-ed and ahh-ed my understanding and tried to demonstrate my newfound education by mimicking his actions.
Before i could proceed further, he stopped me once again and said "no need chopsticks, use hand!" and he picked up the tuna and popped it into his mouth.

i love how friendly the people are here. how polite everyone is and how fricking disciplined they all are. No one rushes to board the train, they wait for people to alight first. Everyone queues. The streets are clean and as a sign that they have excellent public infrastructure and have successfully promoted public transportation, the air here has a noticeable absence of smog that is so often associated with asian cities.

i heart tokyo. this city impresses me so much
plus, the guys here look pretty damn good. must be the plucked eyebrows or something.

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