Saturday, July 10, 2010

On Ulysses and Sting

.... I am a part of all that I have met; yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades
for ever and for ever when i move
Ulysses--- Tennyson

lately, i've been thinking of the imagery associated with travelling. perhaps its borne out of the fact that i am somewhat rootless in this country and am striving to find my shore, but have to contend with the fact that i am still sailing by myself on my own ship, trying to reach the limit of the neverending horizon.

Maybe its because for the last 7 years of my life, I have been in transit, falling upon new communities and homes. Or it might be that I am still not satisfied with myself, that I have not become the expert that I wish to be (perhaps I will never be) but this desire has so far driven me to travel down certain pathways and streams.

i feel like the wanderer out in the open, staring up at the starlit sky. The sound of crashing waves and the blowing wind my companions, as I wait and wait and wait.

Dark angels follow me over a godless sea
Mountains of endless falling, for all my days remaining
What would be true?
Why must I? Why should I?
Why should I cry for you== Sting

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