Monday, August 23, 2010

Note to self: Must. not. eat. fast. food. anymore.

Being lazy to cook, I picked up a burger on my way home from my meeting with my professor. After not having consumed fast food in a while (I have a burger maybe once every quarter of the year), my stomach literally rebelled against the oil in the food. And i didn't even get a meal. just one miserable chicken burger. no fries. nothing.

Ok. i've learnt my lesson. no more fast food for me.

please remind me of this post the next time i feel lazy and want to grab fast food.


Anonymous said...

Hahaha i got runs after a chicken mac spicy. And i have mac-ers may be once a year or 2....

Personally the problem with it, besides the runs, is also the sweetness - that thing is loaded with sugar!


shu said...

yeah. now that you mentioned it, i think most chicken burgers just give you the taste of salt and sweet (from the sauce)... not much chicken itself!