Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I have a disorder. its called DAD- Divided Attention Disorder.
Even now, I have one window open for my text editor, one tab open for my personal email, one tab open for my work email, one news tab open, a tab for pandora, matlab running in the background...

its bad. i've been highly inefficient these days when time is so precious. in the attempt to multi-task, i get no tasks done. its gotten to the point where i've installed parental controls in my computer to curb me from wasting time; my future self loves to promise my present self that she wouldn't waste more than 5 minutes as a time-wasting site, so i had to put in Chrome's "Stay Focused!" application and set it to 1 minute per time-wasting site. (yes, take that time-inconsistent future self!)

Now excuse me while i close the blog tab before my minute quota is up.

1 comment:

glen said...

i think that 'disorder' is called 'human.'

lucky americans and your pandora! or perhaps unlucky.