Sunday, February 05, 2012

i don't need to prove myself to anyone.

i tend to fall into a certain kind of trap that i think is pretty much self-induced. maybe because i never heard it often and maybe because growing up, i compared myself to my circle of friends and found myself falling short of what i wanted.

in any case, i am giving myself a reminder: i do not need to prove myself to anyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Relatively, our worlds has been very sheltered.

Protected by higher education and profound thoughts. A world where lesser exposed people fear to enter.

Eventually we step into the wider world, forced to assimilate with the broader spectrum. Maybe when forced to buy a muffin or sell a gas cylinder. The mixing of worlds is inevitable.

Both parties will be exposed, their strengths and weaknesses multipied and projected on a stage. And regardless of past successes, the fighter has to emerge. Because there is no winners, only survivors. And to fight is to survive.

So as you remind yourself that you have nothing to prove to anyone. Know that everyone has that constant reminder not to be enveloped by the negative and the feelings of "falling short"

I always believe Life is in the fight.
