Monday, May 14, 2012

what makes you happy? (a flash five)

1. a good book
2. fantastic conversations + good company + thick dark coffee
3. when i manage to solve a problem analytically or numerically (hallelujah! it works!)
4. laughing with S
5. short "just checking up on you" messages from friends near and far away

the list could go on really. because there are many things in life that i'm happy about but then i would be babbling. if i really wanted to psycho-analyze it: 1) and 3) are more like moments of deep satisfaction. 2)  is happiness because it is a period of celebrating each other's presence and enjoying the friendships and intimacies that have been built. 4) to me is deeper than happiness and something akin to joy while 5) has always given me a profound sense of being loved and has never failed to spread contentment within me.

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