Wednesday, March 19, 2008

bbc news has an old article on "what the bible says about being gay" which looks at the different scriptural verses and shows how the 'anti-gay' and 'pro-gay' groups have rallied around their interpretations of these verses to support their stands.

i was reading through the article, somewhat bemused by the rhetoric involved in arguing each point but it was the comments section that really caught my eye.

"The church is so obsessed with sex, when it should be more concerned about love"

maybe this comment isn't necessarily representative of every church, but it does seem to me like a serious issue when people look at christians and find us only concerned with sex. well, maybe it is natural for christians to be preoccupied with sex since the world itself is obsessed with it. i mean, my gmail is constantly spammed with viagra ads and other not-so-tastefully titled emails. everyone's talking about it, so of course christians have something to say about sex too.
but if someone can give the above comment, i think it does speak volumes about our behaviours as christians and... well as the phrase encapsulates, " 's enough said"


N.J. said...

Can you forward me your Viagra emails please?

Anonymous said...

hmm. "The church is so obsessed with sex, when it should be more concerned about love" --> that was a really interesting observation. glad