Sunday, June 29, 2008

a lady tapped me on my shoulder whilst we were at dinner and she burnt with curiosity

"just what group is this that came to have dinner? how do you all know each other?"

surprised by her question, and more than happy to ply her with information (sangria makes shu a happy girl...) , i told her who we were and how we came to know each other

but her question does make me think again, probably because this is the last time i'll see many of them, how special this program was in terms of the people i met

don and i agreed that academically, it wasn't the greatest program for us. but the people we met in this program were incredible. and the intense moments spent together has created a fragile link. i will always take this experience with me even if it was just for one year because the people i met were the people who helped me survive the damn program.

i guess what i'm trying to say, clumsily as it may be, is that each and everyone of you made me feel befriended and loved.

who knew that in one year, i would make friends with people from iran, pakistan, usa, canada, china, japan and south korea

i will miss you all
especially you, you've been my best friend, my joy and my love

MA 2007-2008
UBC MA 2007-2008

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