Tuesday, January 05, 2010

wait for them to find the answer, it'll come eventually

T: "how come i can't find the Tokyo embassy in Singapore? how come its not listed???"

Moments later

T (in very sheepish tone): "oh haha, right right, Japan embassy, haha"

While the incident was hilarious, I think (on hindsight) I should have used the same tactics with my students back in Maryland: remain very quiet until they solve their own questions.


Anonymous said...

it's called "wait time" in pedagogic terms. =)

anyhow, looking at the snow looks surreal!! We're having such a dry february in Singapore!!! augh.


shu said...

ah! thanks gen! good to get my terminology right? is weather still too dry in singapore??? over here the snow has almost totally disappeared (yay!) :)

name said...

It just rained! Or rather, it's been a rainy few days! I don't think I've ever been as happy to have rain. My kids and I practically yelped in joy before we closed the classroom doors when the rain started. =)