Thursday, December 02, 2010

it might just be me, but i'm not sure i get the point of wikileaks. As a tool, I think it did a fantastic job of grabbing governments' attention and making them alert and aware how easily private and sensitive data might flow out of their hands. If the point was to highlight the vulnerability of their data security systems, then yes its done that.

However, if the point was to hold government accountable to their citizens, then this is where i think its a lot more murky. what is the exact message that wikileaks aims to achieve in releasing all these cables? Is it to tell government that it is wrong in some of its conduct and that it truly did not represent its peoples' interests in some areas? It doesn't seem all to clear to me that this is the accountability message that wikileaks is driving at; the cables released seem to be more gossip and incendiary.

Maybe i'm not reading carefully enough, or maybe its what the media that has reported that seems disproportionately petty. either way, i don't really understand the bigger issue julian assange is trying to drive at all.

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