Saturday, December 11, 2010

humble me, Lord

I've been shown so much grace in the past year. Despite my grumpy self, people have been kind and patient with me even when i've been so undeserving.

so, as this term comes to a close, these are the thing i've been wanting to say thank you for, but never really did.

I'm grateful for the peers in 630. they were patient with me and i think i learnt alot from them, programming-wise and in terms of life habits. i'm generally an impatient person and when people have extended so much patience to me in my weakness, i feel humbled and ashamed of my own impatience. certainly, even through the smallest acts, i've been motivated to be a better person.

its like what i told P: he might think that his marginal product is small, but really, when you take into account the spillovers, the marginal social benefit was significantly high.

For R and B, (my roomies, not the music... although i like that too). For eternally being patient with me, sending me and fetching me from campus. for putting up my idiosyncracies and my little fits of explosion in the house. gods know i must be a difficult roommate to live with this year. but they've been wonderful, and very encouraging

For F. because whenever i needed to unload, i knew i could run over and rant. even when i couldn't articulate my insecurities, he was a good shoulder.

For mummy and daddy, because they've been my biggest fans and they give me perspective.

i don't know if i could really assess how much i've progressed or grown this year. it was a difficult one and perhaps it represents a trough in my life thus far. but if anything, i recognize the grace i've been shown, and it reminds me to be/become a bigger person than i am right now.

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