Thursday, December 30, 2010


a shadow has been cast over the land
what terror is this, you ask, pray tell good man
my friend, my friend flee while you can,
for surely the comps are at hand.

but what plague is this, you say, called comps?
a deadly disease that ceases all romps
sickly malaise that breaks your heart with its stomps
oh ask no more and just beware of the comps!

why would one subject oneself to such a foul deed
was there really on earth such a need?
oh ask no more , and just take heed
the comps, the comps is a terror indeed

this is what happens when you're heartily sick of looking at the same equation for hours and realizing for the umpteenth time that you made another silly mistake in it.


Miss D said...

13 days left when we can strangle the comp in its ugliness. Sharpen our knives, Shu~~

shu said...

Thanks dear!!! you are a blessing to have here!

i'll go get the sharpening board now.