Friday, January 21, 2011

Dear, Hi, Hey, To whom it may concern,

According to a BBC article, it seems that the supposed introductory beginning to many letters i.e. "Dear ___ " is losing popularity and being regarded as stiff and stale and sometimes too intimate.

Is this a mark of growing rigidity in our perception of language? In a world that is marked by instant oh-everything, the term "Dear" has been deemed as too personal and awkward to use when addressing another in a letter format.

But wait a second, why are we uncomfortable with using the word "Dear" to address others? Be it a formal application or work place email, I would have thought that the usage of the term "Dear" is a way of softening what can otherwise be a very businesslike and sometimes to the point message. Its a way of entreating and inviting the other to consider one's point of view.

The funny thing about the BBC article is that the spokeswoman for a US congressman said that she rejected starting her message with "Dear" because it lacked professionalism and was too old-fashioned.

She instead chose to begin her announcement with "Hi Folks!"

I felt a great sense of irony when I read those lines.

Perhaps technology has robbed us of certain romanticism and writing skills. These days, when we want to maintain contact with friends or re-initiate certain friendships, we simply post a one-line message on a facebook wall or send a mobile text. Its a way of saying "Hey I was thinking about you!" without going too deep, too far and certainly without getting too personal.

And while I myself am guilty of the one-line message, I still do appreciate a lengthy email, note, phone call from time to time. It gives me such a window into someone else's life and a thoughtfully written email allows me to connect with the writer over different aspects.

So really, Dear, is it that bad?

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