Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I have awesome friends 3 hours to go and while i'm taking a break from fine-tuning the presentation, i realize that this paper has been the product of many people's work and efforts. it starts from L and F who cheer for me in the background , constantly being there to bolster my confidence and who express such faith in me and goes on to D who listens patiently to all my gripes and whose empathy is real and not put on for the sake of politeness and moves onto P and A who wisely know when to make me stop whining and who patiently go through my paper with me with B and R who have to endure me everyday and who have heard countless scattered versions of this thought process and are nice enough to let me rant about it over and over again and of course there's S, he's the one person who knows my paper so well and who can poke a million holes in it. he's been the biggest help in this whole process and he's seen my breakdowns, my fits of resignation and has picked me up time and time again. its 3 hours to go and really this is a dinky doo paper. but walking through it has just reminded me again of the valuable friendships and love i've received.

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